managed it

Managed IT partners offer an alternative to the short-term solutions of traditional break/fix IT services. As opposed to IT vendors who only address issues as they arise, managed IT services can provide a long-term, holistic approach to building a successful and scalable technology strategy for any business.

The break/fix approach to IT services won’t take into account how leveraging data can help your business build a sustainable, forward-thinking technology strategy that fits into your overall business strategy.

Managed IT professionals work with your business leadership to provide dynamic ongoing support, such as:

·        Managed IT services

·        Data analysis

·        Cybersecurity

·        Technology training

·        Planning for product launches

Essentially, a project-based approach to technology goals will continue to be outpaced by ongoing managed IT services that provide businesses with better, measurable long-term results.

Here’s everything your business needs to know about the benefits of a long-term managed IT partner.

Table of Contents:

1. Managed IT Is More Efficient

2. Managed IT Leverages Data

3. Managed IT Means Better Managed Risk

Managed IT Is More Efficient

managed it
A managed IT approach will allow you to not only integrate new technology projects, but to manage and sustain these systems in a way that streamlines workflows and optimizes operations consistently, proactively, and scalably.

Using managed IT services allows a company to build a consistent technology strategy that optimizes how they do business from top to bottom.

The break/fix IT model focuses on fixing systems when they break down, but this doesn’t tell a company what it should do in order to better integrate technology into their processes and overall business strategy—or how to make sure they stay scalable.

A dedicated IT partner helps your business leverage your technology to build a lasting model of efficiency.

For instance, a managed IT approach will allow you to not only integrate new technology projects, but to manage and sustain these systems in a way that streamlines workflows and optimizes operations consistently, proactively, and scalably.

The right IT partners can help digitize the way team members operate in their day-to-day roles within a company, reducing the time they spend performing job tasks and reducing the potential for errors. This can be done through the integration of new software and technology, as well as digitizing existing equipment to optimize how it’s being used in the workplace.

An IT team connected with your organization’s long-term goals will be able to help staff train with new systems to get the most out of technology in a way that benefits both them and the company.

With many employees working remotely, an efficient technology plan allows for smoother operations throughout an organization.

Eliminating inefficiencies leads to more profitability, and should be a top priority of any technology project, in its implementation and as an ongoing optimization effort. This can only be achieved with dedicated IT leaders on your team to offer the necessary foresight and expertise.

Managed IT Leverages Data

managed it
Vudu’s managed IT specialists offer an alternative as business-minded technology wizards with a unique ability to convert data into insights, insights into knowledge, and knowledge into wisdom.

You may have heard the term digital transformation—most businesses recognize the need for digitization to compete in the modern economy and meet the demands of their customers, staff, and other stakeholders.

However, any successful digital transformation relies on one specific thing—data.

As powerful AI-driven machine learning technology continues to evolve, the potential for using data to unlock meaningful business insights is tremendous. Yet transforming analytical data into tangible progress toward your company’s goals takes the right vision at the right time. Being able to take a holistic view of how your technology systems can help your business evolve.

Predictive analytics can be leveraged by businesses to improve planning, as well as to identify and eliminate inefficiencies and bottlenecks and better predict future issues that may arise.

Managed IT Means Better Managed Risk

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A managed IT partner will help you predict digital risks as well as risks in all areas of how your organization operates.

Risk is present in many facets of a business’s operations, and having the right risk management planning and tools in place can provide for critical long-term risk reduction.

A managed IT partner will help you predict digital risks as well as risks in all areas of how your organization operates.

When it comes to technology, your IT vendor will be able to take preventive steps against cyber attacks and other data breaches. Proper data management on constantly updated systems requires a high level of experience and insight that only a managed IT solution can provide.

In addition, businesses who rely on digital tools such as cloud storage services face the possibility of downtime and loss of those services.

According to an IBM study, unplanned downtime can cost an organization anywhere from $423 per minute to over $9,000 per minute, depending on the size of the business. Downtime causes disruptions of business operations, lost productivity and profit, and the potential for loss of reputation as well.

Businesses need to be prepared to minimize the risk of loss of services,  have managed technology plans in place to increase availability, and to implement a rapid recovery process should an outage occur. With the right IT leadership in place, digital tools can be leveraged in the right way to minimize these risks.

An established, well-managed data pipeline can also provide a digital paper trail of records and documentation that can help identify and mitigate risk within individual business decisions and even protect a company from potential litigation.

The bottom line is that break/fix IT services has become outmoded and doesn’t serve the needs of a data-driven, ever-evolving digital marketplace, nor will it serve your business in a way that’s sustainable or profitable.

Vudu’s managed IT specialists offer an alternative as business-minded technology wizards with a unique ability to convert data into insights, insights into knowledge, and knowledge into wisdom. With that wisdom, our clients can make better decisions for their businesses and bring about supernatural transformation.

At Vudu, we are technology wizards who want to bring IT magic to your business and achieve supernatural results. Want to know more about how managed IT benefits your business for the long haul? Contact Vudu to learn how we can serve you for years to come. Tell us more about your goals.

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